Regrid Blog

October Discount on Vacant Property Data & More - Fall 2019!

Written by Sahana Murthy | Sep 30, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Fall 2019 is here! Don’t worry - this is not the fashion edition. ;)

We are just excited to kickstart the fall and holiday season with some amazing product updates and some deep discounts to our customers! 

Landgrid Fall Discounts! 
We know , We know… Enough talk of the Fall Season! Let’s get to the interesting stuff - October Discounts, Was It???
Announcing the Landgrid Fall Promotions: October 2019 

1. Landgrid Pro: $75   
From today, October 1st, through the end of the year, annual Pro accounts are only $75/Year. With the addition of more data (USPS, Opportunity zones etc) for Pro customers plus our user-friendly mapping tools, it’s time to get off the fence and become a Landgrid Pro member in 2019. Get a Pro account here.

  • Why are we doing this you ask???
  • To make the amazing & powerful USPS vacancy data accessible to you on your Pro subscription. Also so you can make the most out of our mapping platform without restrictions.
  • Monthly pricing still remains at $10/month, if you choose a monthly subscription.
  • To avail this offer, go to and choose Pro, annual subscription!

USPS Discounts: (Only through October)
Through the end of October only we are offering a discount on our exportable US Postal Service vacancy and residential property data for both national and locally focused customers.

Jerry, our CEO, will be presenting at the big Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference in Atlanta this week, so these are timely deals.

2. Local USPS offer: $2500

  • If you want unrestricted use of the USPS data within your county, only $2,500 will allow you to export spreadsheets containing the vacancy and residential property data for your county for one year. This is a great upgrade to Enterprise - Team for Pro users who want to export the USPS data from their account, and a great way in for organizations who want to do the same.
  • Don’t wait. Take advantage of this offer to get a huge jump on understanding and managing the scale of vacancy in your community.
  • This offer is valid only till the end of October. So grab it before it ends by emailing us at
  • Note - Existing Enterprise customers already have this option, plus additional services.
  1. National USPS offer: $10,000  
    (For existing & new data customers)
  • If you want nationwide access to the USPS data, we are offering access to nationwide spreadsheets or the additional USPS columns added to your current parcel data license for only $10,000 for one year.
  • This is a great deal for people who need lists of property information in multiple communities apart from parcel data, and for parcel data customers who want the USPS columns added to their parcels. 

We will only be running the USPS deal through the end of October so please write to us at to claim your spot. Yes, we can be a little lenient if you need to budget or move funds around, but only if you confirm your intent to purchase the USPS data within the month of October. Just like parcel boundaries, lines must be drawn!

Landgrid Product & Data Updates
As you know from our recent updates and announcements, we have been amping up our product suite BIG TIME.

For the uninitiated, here’s a quick recap of what we have added recently and what we are currently adding to our products:

  1. Nationwide USPS vacancy & residential data to our parcel dataset & the mapping platform.
  2. We also just added nationwide opportunity zones to our dataset & mapping platform. You can find them at both parcel level & as a map layer on the mapping platform if you have a Pro and above subscription.
  3. We are currently in the process of adding nationwide Building Footprints, along with normalized zoning codes - where - you guessed it - Nationwide!
  4. We improved the map UI to make it easier to use and we amped it up a bunch of helpful tips, available on demand at all times for you.
  5. We made each individual parcel record printable into PDF’s. You can now notarize each survey record by printing it as a PDF if that’s important in your line of work.
  6. Landgrid App - If its been awhile since you used the Landgrid survey app, now is the time to check it out. New UI, better functionality & improved performance is what you will find! Oh also, we changed the name from the Loveland Next app to the easy peezy Landgrid App. Surveying &/or looking up parcels on the go has never been easier!

People of Landgrid!
Some of you may have seen our email from last week about a new customer focused series that we want to start soon called the - People of Landgrid!

You know, we love our customers!
And we want to celebrate YOU!
Each month, we would love to tell your story - What goals you accomplish, how your work is making a difference in your field & industry etc.

You - The People of Landgrid make us better as a company!
Help us tell your stories better! Join us in our people of landgrid series!

Email and she will get in touch with you to schedule a time to talk more about you and the work you do.

Checkout the full update from last week here -

Jerry’s Keynote at the OH Land Bank Conference!

The OLB Conference is an annual meeting of land banks that convene from all over Ohio to learn about best practices and policy changes that directly affect their work - hosted by our partners at the Western Reserve Land Conservancy -

Watch Jerry's keynote from the event, about all things Loveland, Landgrid Products, and the incredible USPS vacancy data:

Its conference season!
Jerry is also speaking at the panel this week at the Center for Community Progress’ Reclaiming Vacant Property Conference in Atlanta. If you are attending the RVP this year, please let us know. Jerry, Nick & Sahana from our team will be there and they would love the opportunity to catch up with you!

Well, that brings us to the end of the October Newsletter!
Stay tuned with us for announcements on building footprints & other updates! We are cracking away to close the year on a high note! 

Please make the most out of this amazing, albeit short lived Fall weather and might we add - please make the most out of our Fall promotions!
Let us know if you are interested in taking us up on any of the above discounts. Just holler at You know we are a super friendly team and we will get in touch with you right away!.

Until then, enjoy some yummy fall soups & halloween candies!

Happy October!