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Regrid provides 100% US parcel coverage with critical insights for Broadband and Telecommunication industries.
Where are addresses that are not currently served by broadband?
What land parcels are between my infrastructure and addresses needing service?
What buildings and addresses are associated with parcels that may impact the necessary density of my 5G network?
Property boundaries and situs address
Owner names and building footprints
Complete LBCS activity
Nationwide coverage including rural areas
High level of currency in urban locations
Critical zoning data for buildings and addresses
API and Feature Service options
Bulk file formats to fit your needs
Map our data within your tech
From telecommunications providers and broadband infrastructure developers to network engineers, investors, and urban planners, to the analysts and software developers who streamline data into network management workflows, analytics, and user interfaces, we serve a wide array of professionals in the telecommunications and broadband sectors.
Regrid's parcel data plays a pivotal role in supporting the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) efforts to map broadband serviceability across the United States.
✔️ As a crucial component of CostQuest's FCC contract, Regrid parcels contribute to the creation of the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric. This fabric serves as a comprehensive database of all residential and business locations where fixed broadband internet access service is available or can be installed. By providing accurate and up-to-date location data, Regrid enables CostQuest to fulfill its role as the official contractor for supplying location data to the FCC.
A prominent broadband operator faced the challenge of identifying underserved areas within its operating territory and building projects to expand broadband access.
✔️ By leveraging Regrid's parcel data, they gained valuable insights into property ownership, building structures, and address accuracy, enabling them to effectively scope engineering projects and define service areas for broadband expansion. With Regrid's data, this company could identify potential locations for broadband service, determine infrastructure requirements, and submit grant funding proposals to support their expansion efforts.
In their pursuit of operational productivity and efficiency, a multinational telecommunications company sought a solution to enhance their 5G network buildout process.
✔️ With Regrid's comprehensive dataset, they gained deep insights into property characteristics, building structures, and address validation, allowing them to treamline their 5G site identification processes and optimize network deployment strategies. Regrid's parcel data provided locationally accurate information, allowing this company to validate customer locations, refine service coverage areas, and make informed decisions regarding network expansion. Regrid's data provided significant improvements in time and cost savings, as well as enhanced accuracy in their business operations, ultimately accelerating the deployment of 5G services to meet growing consumer demands.
Coverage: Nationwide & Local Insight
Regrid’s parcel coverage spans across every city, county, and state. Explore the insights waiting for you in every corner of the country, including your own street.
Currency: Always Fresh Land Parcel Data
Get the edge of fresh land data precision. Regrid’s parcel data is continuously refreshed, guaranteeing that you have the latest and most dependable nationwide land parcel data.
Completeness: Parcel Boundaries & More!
Explore comprehensive data on land, ownership, buildings, and other related information. Acquire all the pertinent details on each parcel to enable you to make informed decisions.
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