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Regrid's Parcel data is an essential resource for any industry or application that needs comprehensive coverage, currency and completeness. This data contains detailed information about property boundaries, ownership, zoning, and land use. It is valuable for informed decision-making and creating powerful apps and SaaS.
By integrating geographic information systems (GIS), parcel data can be visualized and analyzed in ways that allow revealing patterns and trends. This makes strategic planning and community development efforts more accessible. This informative data provides insight into the present landscape of land ownership and use, and helps guide the development of future spaces. So, how will you harness the power gained by fueling your land insight needs with Regrid?
Submit the form below to connect with our team and explore how your unique use case can be addressed with Regrid's land parcel data.
Coverage: Nationwide & Local Insight
Regrid’s parcel coverage spans across every city, county, and state. Explore the insights waiting for you in every corner of the country, including your own street.
Currency: Always Fresh Land Parcel Data
Get the edge of fresh land data precision. Regrid’s parcel data is continuously refreshed, guaranteeing that you have the latest and most dependable nationwide land parcel data.
Completeness: Parcel Boundaries & More!
Explore comprehensive data on land, ownership, buildings, and other related information. Acquire all the pertinent details on each parcel to enable you to make informed decisions.
Get the 3Cs and more when you complete the form next door.
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