November Parcel Data Update 2021
Dear Friends of Regrid Parcel Data and Regrid.com,
A summary of updates in October of 2021 and the upcoming pipeline is below.
Loveland Parcel Record Schema changes coming!
We are adding more attribute columns to our Parcel Record Schema in the next 30-60 days. We will provide updates in these monthly bulk data emails when they are fully added. More details on these fields can be found at the Data Dictionary listed below, but the shortlist is: homestead_exemption, alt_parcelnumb1-3 (total of 3 new columns), parcelnumb_no_formatting, assessor_data_date, township, section, range. We would love any feedback on these proposed attributes you might have.
Loveland 'verse' meta data table schema changes.
We are also making one minor change to our verse metadata table. We are dropping the column 'accuzip_status', which has been serving as a date field indicating the date of the USPS related data in our Parcel Record Schema. We are replacing it with a 'usps_data_date' column that will contain the same information but will be a true date type field so easier for machine-reading.
Building count and footprint square footage are now 100% nationwide!
Part of our new partnership with EarthDefine for nationwide matched building polygons product is that we have updated our nationwide dataset ll_bldg_count and ll_bldg_footprint_sqft attributes as well. Building count and footprint square footage on every parcel now. If you are interested in trying the premium + matched buildings schema, please contact us at parcels@regrid.com
Cropland Data Layer / Cropscape Data
Our initial process for populating these fields is complete for parcels 10 acres or larger.
USPS Vacancy, Residential indicators: Now updated monthly. Updated in October for Oct and Nov 2021, next update in December.
Coverage Report: Updated for this month and available here.
A machine-readable version of this list is included in the 'verse' table available in all the formats above as well as CSV format for use in spreadsheets. To find the latest updates in verse, sort by 'last_refresh' and use the 'filename_stem' column to identify the file.
Data refreshed or added from the county in October and live now:
( Asterisk * indicates newly added county)
CA - Inyo, San Diego, Santa Cruz
CO - Adams, Alamosa, Arapahoe, Archuleta, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla, Delta, Denver, Douglas, Eagle, Elbert, Fremont, Garfield, Gilpin, Grand, Gunnison, Huerfano, Jefferson, Lake, La Plata, Larimer, Las Animas, Logan, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montezuma, Montrose, Morgan, Otero, Park, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Routt, Saguache, San Miguel, Summit, Weld, Yuma
GA - Forsyth
IL - Pope*
MI - Ontonagon*
NJ - Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren
NY - Chemung, Essex
OH - Allen, Ashland, Ashtabula, Athens, Auglaize, Belmont, Brown, Butler, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Clinton, Columbiana, Coshocton, Cuyahoga, Delaware, Erie, Fairfield, Fayette, Fulton, Greene, Guernsey, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Henry, Hocking, Holmes, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Lawrence, Licking, Logan, Lorain, Lucas, Madison, Mahoning, Marion, Medina, Mercer, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Ottawa, Paulding, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Portage, Preble, Putnam, Richland, Ross, Scioto, Seneca, Shelby, Stark, Summit, Tuscarawas, Van Wert, Warren, Wayne, Williams, Wyandot
SC - Aiken, Anderson, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Colleton, Darlington, Dorchester, Florence, Georgetown, Greenville, Greenwood, Horry, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Sumter, York
TX - Harris, Leon*
VA - Rockingham
WI - Milwaukee
In the current pipeline for updating in November 2021
In the pipeline for updating in December 2021
Based on feedback and county challenges, pipeline planning is always subject to change. As always, please contact us if you have any questions about accessing or using the data, if you find issues with any of our data, or you have any comments or questions about our data in specific areas or states. We also love to hear from you about which counties or regions you’d like to see us update next, as it helps inform our planning process.
Thank you for being a part of Regrid!
Best wishes,
The Regrid Data Team