Owned Away from Home: Regrid Report on Ownership of U.S. Housing Stock
March 13, 2024
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A new report from Regrid gives a unique, nationwide, look at the scale of U.S. homes owned outside their local areas. "Owned Away From Home," co-authored by Alex Alsup and Matthew Klovski, uses Regrid's 100% U.S. parcel data to uncover that a quarter of U.S. homes are owned either out-of-state or outside their local zip code.
The report is presented in an ArcGIS StoryMap and we invite you to directly engage with the full report here:
Key Insights from the Report:
By categorizing ownership into out-of-state and different zip code categories, the report offers insights into the distribution and implications of distant home ownership.
Sections of the report include:
We welcome collaborations and inquiries from anyone interested in further exploring the themes of this report.