#4 Regrid CEO Jerry Paffendorf Chats w/ Shabtai Pinchevsky
July 8, 2022
Living In The Map is hosted by Regrid CEO Jerry Paffendorf and features conversations with artists, activists, historians, and so much more.
On this episode of Living In The Map, Jerry speaks with artist Shabtai Pinchevsky.
Part 1/2
Part 2/2
Shabtai created The Jefferson Grid account on Instagram which documents remarkable images of “the 200 years old grid system that still defines most of the American landscape.”
A longtime fan of the account, when Jerry looked up who made it he found an interesting and thoughtful artist who uses maps, photography, and multiple media to make the art you see at https://taishabtai.com. The two discuss Shabtai’s work and creative processes.
Episode 1 - Andy Didorosi, Founder of the Detroit Bus Company.
Episode 2 - Christine Luckasavitch, Executive Director of Native Lands Digital.
Episode 3 - Jennifer Richey, Chief Strategy Officer at Gravity Jack.