July 2023 Parcel Data Update
At Regrid, our team of parcel data experts is always working to bring you fresh, accurate parcel data. Check out the latest updates below…
Parcel Schema Changes in October - We are finalizing plans to add several new fields to our parcel schema and are planning on releasing those changes in October 2023. We will follow up with further details, but wanted to make sure to give you plenty of advanced notice.
New Landuse Classifications - We have added new values to our standardized land use codes to identify vacant land. Counties typically define vacant land as a parcel without a structure or other significant development or use.
These codes can now be found in the "lbcs_activity" field in our data:
1900 (Residential vacant land)
2900 (Commercial vacant land)
3900 (Industrial vacant land)
4900 (Institutional or governmental vacant land)
7900 (Recreational vacant land)
8900 (Agricultural vacant land)
9500 (Vacant land)
9510 (Vacant land, undevelopable)
We generate these vacancy codes from a few sources:
County-provided, parcel-level data, usually assessors' land use descriptions
Satellite imagery combined with a check that no structures are present on the parcel
In places where reliable source data are not available, we are unable to assign our land use codes.
Quarterly Full Dataset Export Completed - For non premium clients, we export a full snapshot of our dataset approximately quarterly to help make sure all our client datasets are in sync. We suggest Standard Tier clients pull the full dataset at least once a year to make sure you have all the latest data. Push delivery clients have had the full snapshot pushed to their cloud buckets.
Cropland Data Layer (CDL) Updated - We updated our CDL values using the latest available data (2022) for all parcels 10 acres or larger in size.
Stacked Parcel Flag Updated - A client identified an issue where in some circumstances the ll_uuid used to group stacked parcels was not actually in our dataset. To correct this issue we regenerated all of the ll_stack_uuids and have made changes to our pipeline to prevent the issue from happening in the future.
Matched Addresses Schema Re-Ordering Completed - For clients that receive our Matched Addresses product we have completed re-ordering the columns in our exported files to match the order the schema order: https://support.regrid.com/parcel-data/address-schema
Past Data Update Emails - The full archive of our monthly data update emails can be found on our main website: https://regrid.com/blog/tag/parcel-data-updates
Coverage Report - Updated for this month and available here.
A machine-readable version of this list is included in the `verse` table available in all the formats above as well as CSV format for use in spreadsheets. To find the latest updates in verse, sort by 'last_refresh' and use the 'filename_stem' column to identify the file.
Data refreshed or added in June and live now:
(Asterisk * indicates newly added county.)
CA - Alameda, San Luis Obispo
CT - Capitol Planning Region, Greater Bridgeport Planning Region, Lower Connecticut River Valley Planning Region, Northwest Hills Planning Region, Western Connecticut Planning Region
DE - Kent
FL - Broward, Orange, Pinellas
GA - Fayette
IA - Adair, Allamakee, Appanoose, Audubon, Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Buena Vista, Butler, Calhoun, Cass, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Chickasaw, Clayton, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Des Moines, Dickinson, Dubuque, Emmet, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Grundy, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Howard, Humboldt, Ida, Iowa, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Keokuk, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Lucas, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Mills, Mitchell, Monona, Montgomery, Muscatine, O'Brien, Page, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Polk, Pottawattamie, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Sac, Scott, Shelby, Sioux, Story, Taylor, Union, Wapello, Warren, Washington, Webster, Winnebago, Winneshiek, Woodbury, Worth, Wright
IL - Kane, Will
IN - Bartholomew, Cass, Delaware, Floyd, Grant, Hamilton, Harrison, Jay, Lake, Lawrence, Madison
KS - Johnson, Rooks
KY - Clay*, Cumberland*, Rockcastle*
LA - Claiborne, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, Terrebonne
MA - Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, Worcester
MI - Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Benzie, Crawford, Emmet, Lake, Lenawee, Luce, Manistee, Oscoda, Van Buren, Wexford
MP - Tinian
MS - Hancock
MT - Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Golden Valley, Granite, Hill, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Musselshell, Park, Petroleum, Phillips, Pondera, Powder River, Powell, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sanders, Sheridan, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Teton, Toole, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone
NJ - Bergen, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren
NM - Lea, Sandoval
NV - Clark
NY - Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond, Westchester
OH - Cuyahoga, Madison, Noble
PA - Philadelphia
TX - Coleman*, Collin, Dallas, Donley*, Harris, Jackson, Knox, Montgomery, Polk, Wilson
UT - San Juan, Washington
VA - Pittsylvania
WI - Milwaukee
In the current pipeline for updating in July 2023:
In the pipeline for updating in August 2023:
New Mexico
Puerto Rico
Based on feedback and county challenges, pipeline planning is always subject to change. As always, please contact us if you have any questions about accessing or using the data, if you find issues with any of our data, or you have any comments or questions about our data in specific areas or states. We also love to hear from you about which counties or regions you'd like to see us update next, as it helps inform our planning process.
Thank you for being a part of Regrid!
Best Wishes,
The Regrid Data Team