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A walkthrough Regrid's Interactive API Sandbox. Learn how to generate a trial API token & testing our API endpoints in the developer language of your choice.
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Incorporate Regrid’s Nationwide Parcel Data via our Esri-compatible Regrid Feature Service. For enterprises centered on Esri technologies.
Simply Integrate with a URL for full parcel geometries and associated attributes in Regrid’s Standard or Premium Parcel Record Schema.
No custom integration, no data wrangling!
Get a step-by-step demo on how you can purchase statewide data in the Regrid Data Store, and then download it instantly in a variety of formats.
Regrid has made the process of getting the exact parcel data you need as easy as it can be - whether your project requires the property data for a singular county or an entire state.
It’s as easy as reviewing our land parcel documentation & data samples that are available for free on the Regrid Data Store. That way you can make sure it's the dataset you want (and need) for your use case.
Just add the data you need to the cart, and check out in an easy-to-use self-serve interface.
Please make sure to review our nationwide coverage report - for the state you require, and each one of the counties, along with our standardized parcel schema (data dictionary) to see exactly what data fields are included in each one of the tiers prior to purchasing.
Have questions? Want to evaluate our dataset or get a free data sample? Get in touch with our team at
Learn more about our Nationwide Parcel Data, our schema, pricing and coverage here.
Regrid is an industry-leading property data and location intelligence company. We serve an array of industries that require land parcels and spatial data at scale, including real estate, insurance, energy, infrastructure, agriculture, logistics, and government.
All known addresses, more than 176M in the US, validated to USPS standards, pre-joined with our nationwide parcel data, over 152M parcel records, complete with standardized schemas & persistent universal unique IDs. Here is a product demo.
We have matched & pre-joined our parcel data to more than 156 million building footprints and delivering them as one combined product - complete with standardized schemas, universal unique ID’s and a join table.
A tutorial on navigating purchasing counties on the Regrid data store.
A quick look at our parcel data coverage from 2013 to 2020. We got started in 2014 and with every passing year, we learned more got better at improving the 3 C's of parcel data across the USA - Coverage, Completeness Currency.
Hosted by CEO & co-founder Jerry Paffendorf, our Chief Product Officer Sahana Murthy, and VP of Software Nick Downer to learn more about the Regrid Typeahead API.
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