2021 - EOY Parcel Data Report & Recap
December 15, 2021
Discover the Latest in Land Parcels & Spatial Data with the Regrid Team!
And just like that, we are in December, and we will soon be entering the new year!
As we do every year, the Regrid data team looked back on 2021 and all the improvements we have made this year to our parcel dataset. We've put all those stats together in this nifty guide that we call the "EOY Parcel Data Report."
This report is a 1:1 comparison of our key parcel KPIs between December 2021 and Dec 2020. And we couldn't be prouder of our team & product! It's great to see how our product keeps growing from strength to strength, with every passing year.
Here are a few snapshots from the report:
The report is a quick look into an entire year's work - improving the quality, currency, coverage & completeness of our data.
And we are so excited for our product roadmap next year - think bigger, better!
If you want to talk to us and our team about our data, see if it's a fit for your use case, reach out to us.
The parcel report is absolutely amazing, but nothing beats a good old-fashioned chat between Regrid team members.
Join us Thursday afternoon, December 16th at 3:30 PM EDT for our end-of-year recap webinar; hosted by CEO & Co-Founder Jerry Paffendorf and Chief Product Officer Sahana Murthy. Register now to save a seat by clicking here.
Product Update
This past month, we made another enhancement to our Parcel API. Our API is now searchable by our universal unique parcel id - ll_uuid. Just another step at location certainty, because this helps you look up a single parcel record at a time if that's important to your use case. With this new feature, our API is now searchable by: lat-lon, address, APN (parcel id), polygon, owner name & ll_uuid.
But we're here and available if you need us or our parcel data for the rest of the year and first thing next year as well. Just holler at parcels@regrid.com.
On behalf of the entire Regrid Team, we wish you all a very happy, safe & healthy holidays! See you all in 2022.