May Parcel Update 2022
A summary of updates in April of 2022 and the upcoming pipeline is below.
Parcel Schema Changes Completed - We completed the rollout of our Parcel Schema changes. They are detailed at the bottom of our Data Dictionary linked below. Please note it is dependent on Standard or Premium Tier as to which attributes will affect which clients. The list is: ll_last_refresh_date, ll_address_count, homestead_exemption, alt_parcelnumb1, alt_parcelnumb2, alt_parcelnumb3, parcelnumb_no_formatting, plss_township, plss_section, plss_range. Please see the Data Dictionary for details.
Verse Table Schema Changes Completed - We also changed the schema for our verse table. We added the following attributes: assessor_data_date, buildings_count, buildings_data_dates, address_count, address_date, partial, msa. Details on each new attribute are available on our support site.
Coverage Report - Updated for this month and available here.
A machine-readable version of this list is included in the `verse` table available in all the formats above as well as CSV format for use in spreadsheets. To find the latest updates in verse, sort by 'last_refresh' and use the 'filename_stem' column to identify the file.
Data refreshed or added in April and live now:
(Asterisk * indicates newly added county.)
AK - Bethel Census Area
AZ - Maricopa, Pima
CA - Santa Clara
FL - Hillsborough, Lee, Miami-Dade
GA - Rabun
IA - Polk
IL - Hardin*, Madison
KY - Bell*
LA - Rapides
MN - Hennepin, Isanti
MO - St. Charles, St. Louis, Worth
MS - Itawamba
NM - Bernalillo, Chaves, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe, Harding, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Los Alamos, McKinley, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Valencia
NV - Esmeralda
NY - Franklin
OH - Crawford, Franklin, Preble, Sandusky, Washington, Wood
PA - Washington
TX - Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Aransas, Archer, Armstrong, Atascosa, Austin, Bandera, Bastrop, Bee, Bell, Blanco, Bosque, Bowie, Brazos, Brewster, Briscoe, Brooks, Brown, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callahan, Cameron, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castro, Cherokee, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coke, Collin, Collingsworth, Colorado, Comal, Comanche, Concho, Cooke, Coryell, Cottle, Crane, Crockett, Dallam, Dallas, Dawson, Delta, Denton, DeWitt, Dickens, Dimmit, Duval, Eastland, Ector, Edwards, Ellis, El Paso, Erath, Falls, Fannin, Foard, Franklin, Freestone, Frio, Gaines, Galveston, Garza, Gillespie, Glasscock, Goliad, Gonzales, Gray, Gregg, Grimes, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hansford, Hardeman, Harris, Hartley, Haskell, Hays, Hemphill, Henderson, Hidalgo, Hockley, Hood, Hopkins, Houston, Howard, Hudspeth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irion, Jack, Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Johnson, Jones, Karnes, Kaufman, Kendall, Kenedy, Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Kinney, Kleberg, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, La Salle, Lavaca, Lee, Liberty, Limestone, Live Oak, Llano, Loving, Lubbock, Lynn, Madison, Marion, Martin, Mason, McCulloch, McLennan, McMullen, Medina, Menard, Midland, Milam, Mills, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Nacogdoches, Navarro, Newton, Nolan, Nueces, Ochiltree, Oldham, Orange, Palo Pinto, Parmer, Pecos, Potter, Presidio, Rains, Randall, Reagan, Real, Red River, Refugio, Roberts, Runnels, Rusk, San Augustine, San Patricio, San Saba, Schleicher, Scurry, Shelby, Smith, Somervell, Stephens, Sterling, Sutton, Swisher, Tarrant, Taylor, Terrell, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus, Tom Green, Trinity, Upshur, Upton, Van Zandt, Walker, Ward, Washington, Wharton, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Willacy, Williamson, Winkler, Wise, Yoakum, Zapata, Zavala
UT - Rich
VA - Dickenson*
WA - King
WI - Milwaukee
In the current pipeline for updating in May 2022:
In the pipeline for updating in June 2022:
Based on feedback and county challenges, pipeline planning is always subject to change. As always, please contact us if you have any questions about accessing or using the data, if you find issues with any of our data, or you have any comments or questions about our data in specific areas or states. We also love to hear from you about which counties or regions you'd like to see us update next, as it helps inform our planning process.
Thank you for being a part of Regrid!
Best wishes,
The Regrid Data Team